Keep calm and curry on
Almost all applications need authentication and authorization in some form. Authentication a pain in the neck for both developers and end users, and personally I want as little to do with it as possible. OpenId Connect and AzureAd offers a great way of delegating the job to somebody else, gaining Single Sign-On (SSO) as an added bonus.
We will cover these common cases:
This is the first post of in a two-part series. In the first post we cover AzureAD and OpenID Connect authentication. In the second post we cover Windows Authentication (Kerberos Negotiate) in F# on .NET Core 3, using Docker running on Kubernetes.
The complete example code is available on GitHub.
In the following we will be using F# on .NET Core 3.0, together with ASP.NET Core and Giraffe. Giraffe offers a functional escape valve from the dreads of OOP builder patterns, dependency injection and other complexities of ASP.NET Core. Our strategy is to configure the necessary ASP.NET middleware, and then escape as quickly as possible into the functional domain.
AzureAd is a complex machinery, with plenty of toggles. In this example we will set up AzureAd to authenticate a server-side application with permission to act on the behalf of users in the specified organisation (tenants). Additionally we require users to be authenticated with the tenant in order to access any application API:s. This step is actually optional, but usually a good idea.
To register your application with AzureAd, follow these steps:
file below.appsettings.json
for mail, etc.). By default it can only read very basic information about the user.{
"AzureAd": {
"Instance": "",
"CallbackPath": "/signin-oidc",
"BaseUrl": "https://localhost:8085",
"ClientId": "",
"TenantId": "",
"ClientSecret": "",
"Scopes": ".default",
"GraphResourceId": "",
"GraphScopes": ".default"
"AllowedHosts": "*"
Next, we need to configure the necessary ASP.NET Core middleware to enable OpenId Connect authentication:
The code for the AzureAd and Graph authentication middleware have been tranlated to F# from this C# implementation by Microsoft.
The complete ASP.NET Core WebHost and middleware configuration for AzureAd:
let configureCors (builder : CorsPolicyBuilder) =
builder.WithOrigins([| "" |])
.AllowAnyHeader() |> ignore
let cookiePolicyOptions (opt : CookiePolicyOptions) =
opt.CheckConsentNeeded <- fun _ -> true
opt.MinimumSameSitePolicy <- Http.SameSiteMode.None
let authenticationOptions (opt : AuthenticationOptions) =
opt.DefaultScheme <-
opt.DefaultChallengeScheme <-
opt.DefaultAuthenticateScheme <-
let hstsOptions (opt : HstsOptions) =
opt.IncludeSubDomains <- true
opt.MaxAge <- TimeSpan.FromDays(365.0)
let configureApp (app : IApplicationBuilder) =
.UsePathBase(PathString "/")
.UseGiraffe WebApp.webApp
let configureServices (services : IServiceCollection) =
let sp = services.BuildServiceProvider()
let config = sp.GetService<IConfiguration>()
let jsonSerializer = Thoth.Json.Giraffe.ThothSerializer()
services.AddGiraffe() |> ignore
services.AddSingleton<IJsonSerializer>(jsonSerializer) |> ignore
services.Configure(cookiePolicyOptions) |> ignore
services.Configure(hstsOptions) |> ignore
services.AddCors() |> ignore
services.AddSingleton<IGraphAuthProvider, GraphAuthProvider>() |> ignore
services.AddResponseCaching() |> ignore
services.AddDistributedMemoryCache() |> ignore
services.AddSession() |> ignore
services.AddHttpContextAccessor() |> ignore
.AddAzureAd(fun options -> config.Bind("AzureAd", options))
.AddCookie() |> ignore
.Configure(Action<IApplicationBuilder> configureApp)
.UseUrls("" + port.ToString() + "/")
In this example we set up a simple API using Giraffe (see WebApp.fs) , which allows the user to log in, log out and retrieve some basic user information:
let authenticate : HttpHandler =
challenge OpenIdConnectDefaults.AuthenticationScheme
|> requiresAuthentication
let signIn (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) =
authenticate next ctx
let signOut (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) =
task {
do! ctx.SignOutAsync()
return! next ctx
let webApp (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) =
choose [
routex "(/?)" >=> indexHtml
route "/signin" >=> signIn >=> redirectTo false "/?signin"
route "/signout" >=> signOut >=> redirectTo false "/?signout"
route "/api/me" >=> getUser
] next ctx
The /signin
endpoint triggers the authentication process by challenging the client to authenticate using the OpenId Connect scheme, using the requiresAuthentication
and challenge
functions from Giraffe. If the user isn’t already authenticated, it redirects the user to the OpenId Connect endpoint defined in appsettings.json
. Here we are using, for normal AzureAd authentication (e.g. using 2FA, etc.). If authentication succeeds the user is redirected back to the main page, with an added query string allowing the endpoint to take any additional actions necessary after login.
The /signout
endpoint triggers the standard logout process, and clears credentials and identities from the request context.
When the user has logged in, the request context contains only some very basic identity information about the user, like full name and user principal name (UPN). The /api/me
endpoint calls getUser
, which makes a request to the Microsoft Graph API, requesting the user’s e-mail address:
let private getAzureUser (ctx : HttpContext) =
let name = ctx.User.Identity.Name
let emailDecoder =
Decode.field "value" (Decode.list (Decode.field "mail" Decode.string))
let upn =
with _ -> "unknown"
task {
let! token = graphAppToken ctx
let query =
graphUrlf "users?$filter=userPrincipalName eq '%s'&$select=mail" upn
let content =
Http.RequestString (
query, headers = [ HttpRequestHeaders.Authorization token ]
let email =
match Decode.fromString emailDecoder content with
| Ok e -> try e.Head.ToLower() with _ -> "unknown"
| Error _ -> "unknown"
printfn "azureUser: %A" (name, upn, email)
return (name, email)
let getUser (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) =
task {
let! name, email = getAzureUser ctx
return! json (name, email) next ctx
The key function in the above code is graphAppToken ctx
(defined in Graph.fs in the example code):
let graphAppToken (ctx : HttpContext) =
let authProvider = ctx.RequestServices.GetService<IGraphAuthProvider>()
task {
let! accessToken = authProvider.GetUserAccessTokenAsync ""
let authHeader = AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken)
return authHeader.ToString ()
This function requests a bearer token for the Graph API:s, which is then added to the standard HTTP Authorization tokens for the REST request.
Microsoft Graph contains a ton of useful REST API:s, which are a breeze to use. Have fun! I have suffered so you don’t have to.